Friday, June 12, 2015

Abutment #1 done!

With a super efficient crew we had helping today, they mixed 75 bags of premix which weighted 80 lbs each in just 1 hour 35 minutes.
No kidding, they did it that fast.

It's tumbling in, in record time.

Andre adds water.  He's helped at each mix-n-pour work B.

Mike knows just how to add another bag.  Jeff and Mike mastered this mixer.


Danielle was the mistress of the fiber additive.

Adam throws another bag in.


Don tips over this one.


What a tumbling mix looks like.


Mark was interviewed by Aleah from TV6.
Here's the story.

Just about done! So Mark the pour boss, smooths it off.

Sawyer and Candi, the two best cooks found anywhere.
Certainly in the gorge :-)

Everyone was hungry!

A good meal was had by all.


Rich and a few other hearty volunteers stayed on.
Rich has also helped at each pour.

They stayed on to move premix bags and break work platforms down.

Done!   We've now recorded over
250 hours on this project so far.

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